After two years of virtual training due to a global pandemic, and the ultimate cancellation of the Special Olympics World Games due to geopolitical turmoil, no Special Olympics Team Canada has seen more obstacles.  

Watch Meet the Resilient: Special Olympics Team Canada 2022, Friday at 7:30pm ET/4:30pm PT on TSN1/3/4 and streaming on

Meet the Resilient follows the longest-serving Special Olympics Team Canada in history, who faced those obstacles with determination, perseverance and resiliency.

The Special Olympics World Games are held every two years, alternating between Summer and Winter Games. There are more than 41,000 athletes with an intellectual disability across Canada, but only a small group qualifies to represent Canada at the international competition level.

At the end of their more than two-year journey, the Special Olympics Team attended training camp in Toronto. The camp was the first time all 161 athletes, coaches and mission staff gathered as a team.

Meet the Resilient is the story of the only Special Olympics Team Canada that never had their moment on the world stage, but showed the world that resiliency is a muscle they’ve been training their whole lives.